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Isshinryu karate has its roots firmly planted in Okinawan karate. It consist of eight open hand katas and seven weapons katas. The open hand katas are for defending in close quarters and are rich with history. The kata are practical and avoid any excess movement. The weapon katas are for the Roku Bo (6 foot staff), Sai (Spiked dagger) and Tuifa (pronounced Tweefa or referred to as the Tonfa) and help teach dexterity, balance, control and confidence.

You will also learn history, sparring techniques, and self-defense while learning discipline and building confidence.

You will be given the opportunity to compete in tournaments and inter-school competitions.

Isshinryu has grown to be a large family that is supportive and knows no age barrier. Students with FSIK range from five to early fifties.

So if learning an authentic Okinawan martial art while increasing your reaction time, mental ability, health, control and confidence sounds like something your interested in then keep reading.


Welcome to the world of Isshinryu Karate! We are excited about martial arts and look forward to teaching new Karate-ka (students). I know that most prospective Karate-ka wonder the same things. What will you learn , how many belts can you earn, how much does it cost and is it practical? Below we will answer these questions one by one.

What will I learn?
You will learn how to defend yourself in close quarters. You will start by learning the basic upper body exercises that consist mostly of punches, uppercuts, blocks and hold breaks. Then you will learn the lower body movements that consist of streching exercises, knee smashing,stomping, thrusting and kicking techniques.

After the basics you will move directly into your first kata. Seisan kata is believed to be around 400 years old and very effective in basic hand to hand combat. You will learn the kata, the bunkai (what it is used for) and the kumite (how it is applied in self-defense). This is the formula for all of the katas. So you will learn basics, eight empty hand katas, seven weapons katas with bunkai and kumite along with over 100 self-defense moves and finally sparring for adults. Youth will be able to spar only with verifiable parental consent.

How many belts can I earn?
The first thing that you must understand is this is not a buy a belt program and that any and all rank is earned. The belt color is actually unimportant. It is the rank (Kyu or Dan) that the belt represents that counts.

The belt structure is simple. for adults it is:
White.....Ju Kyu
Yellow....Ku Kyu
Orange....Hachi Kyu
Blue......Shichi Kyu
Green (1st., 2nd.)...... Rok Kyu, Go Kyu, Yon Kyu (Go Kyu is a written test and does not have a different belt distinction)
Brown (1st., 2nd. & 3rd.)..., San Kyu, Ni Kyu, Ik Kyu
Black 1 ..(Shodan)
Black 2 ..(Nidan)
Black 3 ..(Sandan)
Black 4 ..(Yondan)
Black 5 ..(Godan)
Master (Black belt 6th. - 8th. Dan) has the option of wearing Black or Red and White Barred belt
Black 6..Roku-Dan (six inch red/six inch white panels ending with six inch red panels)<
Black 7..Shichi-Dan (some use nanadan)(six inch red/six inch white panels ending with 10 inch red panels or 7inch red and 5 inch white panels)
Black 8..Hachidan (Ten inch red/two inch white panels ending with red panels)<
Master Black belt 9th. - 10 th. Dan has the option of wearing Black or Red belt
Black 9..Kudan
Black 10..Judan

White, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Purple, Green (1st and 2nd), Brown, Brown with Black Stripe*(youth only)

*Weapons katas will be taught to youth under the age of twelve that show exceptional maturity and then only with written parental consent. A black belt must have at least two weapons katas. Sensei reserves the right to wave the age for weapons on a case by case basis.

How much does it cost?
$50.00 Per Month. Family discounts are available. Classes are on Saturday from 7:00 PM through 9:00 PM. Isshinryu Elite classes are by invitation only. You have to earn your way into the classes. These classes are $15.00 per two hour class with a maximum of 10 students.

If you don’t have a uniform one can be purchased through FSIK or we can dirrect you to where you can purchase one. If you provide your own uniform then the patches can be purchased separately.

All students are to join the A.I.K.A. and have the option of joining the I.W.K.A. upon earning their Green belt.

Is it practical?
For the adult it is very practical. We cannot always control the situations in which we are placed. Isshinryu is a no nonsense way for women to protect themselves against attackers quickly and efficiently while allowing an avenue for escape, for men it is a way to provide protection for you and your family by allowing you the knowledge and confidence needed to either defuse or overcome difficult situations.

Youth can learn confidence, drive, discover determination, while feeling a real belonging to organizations that span many continents. You will have obtainable goals and can feel pride in your achievements.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
This will always have a positive effect on how you look and how you feel both physically and emotionally. We emphasize stretching to help you to become or remain limber. The upper and lower body movements render an aerobic workout and, yes, there is some running.

Who is it for?
Absolutely everyone between the ages of 5 and 75! If your not sure about karate classes then sign up for our Self-defense classes! Over 100 self defense moves that can mean the difference between life and death. We can all use this.

Weapons classes
Private or group- call for more information

Hanshi Phill Furgason, 9th Degree Black Belt in Isshinryu Karate and a former U.S. Marine. With over 33 years experience. Hanshi Furgason still loves Isshinryu and it shows in how he trains.

FSIK Homepage
Creed, Code and Oath

Call for locations, times and days FSIK............................713-863-0769, 713-880-2503

Email: Contact Us